Design engineer is a developer of new constructions. Design engineer is a expert who creates something new on the basis of their knowledge. Design Engineer working in factories in the construction department.
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Design engineer a very broad concept and its meaning depends on the specialization. Мy specialization - hydraulic and pneumatic machines. Design engineer whose specialty is mainly engaged in hydraulic pump design.
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The basic requirements for an engineer : Necessary knowledge and their constant updating Engineer must be organized Engineer must be responsible Engineer must be able to apply their skills in theory in practice
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Unfortunately engineers earn a little money, but it's not a problem specialty. This is due to the poor economic situation in our country. In developed countries, engineers earn a lot of money. Since mental work appreciated worldwide.
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Good points engineer jobs: Interesting object of work. This work is very creative and interesting, requires constant self-improvement. Engineer every day learn something new, to create something new. Ваd points engineer jobs: Engineer to go to great responsibility for his work. Engineer must be responsible for their mistakes, including financially.
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Prominent professional Denis Papen French mathematician, physicist, inventor and engineer. He invented the first centrifugal pump. At the University of Angers, he studied medicine and received his doctorate. Papen also proposed the construction of a centrifugal pump, designed for glass melting furnace, a steam wagon and a submarine, invented the pressure cooker and a few machines for lifting water.