Can you imagine an imaginary manager managing an imaginary tour? [m] [æ] [ʤ]
Cлайд 3
travel agent - турагент tour operator - туроператор tour guide – гид, экскурсовод guide interpreter – гид-переводчик pilot – летчик flight attendant – персонал самолета tourist information officer – сотрудник информационного отдела receptionist - регистратор waiter- официант
Cлайд 4
resort rep – курортный торговый представитель chef – шеф-повар porter – швейцар (носильщик) hotel manager – менеджер отеля airline check-in clerk –работник регистратуры в авиакомпании animator - аниматор booking agent – агент по бронированию social director – социальный директор ticket agent – билетный агент
Cлайд 5
What jobs do people do in the picture?
Cлайд 6
Cлайд 7
Cлайд 8
Cлайд 9
Cлайд 10
Put the jobs into the categories receptionist pilot resort rep chef tour guide porter flight attendant waiter airline check-in clerk hotel manager tourist information officer
Cлайд 11
She/he is …
Cлайд 12
Let’s have a rest.
Cлайд 13
Cлайд 14
Task: Listen to three people talking about their jobs. 1. Which job do they each have?
Cлайд 15
receptionist tourist information officer resort rep tour guide
Cлайд 16
Cлайд 17
long hours guests problems often don’t finish
Cлайд 18
Grammar to be + V4 (-ing)
Cлайд 19
1. We are doing very well in languages. 2. I'm speaking English too slowly today. 3. Her English is getting better. 4. The travel agent is waiting for you. 5. The students are trying to grasp the difference. 6. I'm answering your question. 7. You are asking another question. 8. The booking agent is speaking over the phone right now.