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Рождество в России и Великобритании

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Cлайд 1
"Christmas in Russia and the UK" «Рождество в России и Великобритании» WERE B... "Christmas in Russia and the UK" «Рождество в России и Великобритании» WERE BORN TO WIN МБОУ СОШ р.п. Ровное
Cлайд 2
Topicality Christmas holiday is celebrated in for more than 2,000 years. With... Topicality Christmas holiday is celebrated in for more than 2,000 years. With the adoption of Christianity This holiday is widely celebrated in the UK and in Russia. However , in view of the atheistic propaganda, Soviet times, the Christmas holiday has remained in the shadows New year. Currently, the interest in this holiday increases. revive the lost tradition and received came from other countries.        In the UK, there was a period of oblivion for this holiday. And she , as a country under study world language, is for us in this regard interest.
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Goal To promote an interest in the target language country. Acquaint with the... Goal To promote an interest in the target language country. Acquaint with the history of the Christmas holiday and its celebration traditions in Russia and the UK.
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Tasks Acquainted with the history of the holiday. Give the characteristic sym... Tasks Acquainted with the history of the holiday. Give the characteristic symbols and traditions of Christmas holiday in the UK and Russia on the basis of comparison; Conduct a survey.
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Hypothesis If you have more information about the celebration of Christmas, t... Hypothesis If you have more information about the celebration of Christmas, the awareness of holiday will be more complete and celebrate this festival will be interesting.
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Contradictions Christmas is celebrated in Russia and the UK, but these countr... Contradictions Christmas is celebrated in Russia and the UK, but these countries are different religion - Orthodox and Catholic; Chronology is from the Nativity, but in Russia New Year is celebrated widely; History of the holiday is the same in Russia and the UK, and different traditions.
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Activity Plan Ascertain students' interest in the study of the traditions of ... Activity Plan Ascertain students' interest in the study of the traditions of Christmas celebrations in English-speaking countries; Compilation of information about the holiday; Develop an action plan, revealing the history, traditions and symbols of the holiday;
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Cлайд 14
Steps of: 1-step set-diagnostic. With the help of a questionnaire to determin... Steps of: 1-step set-diagnostic. With the help of a questionnaire to determine the level of knowledge generated about the celebration of Christmas in the UK and Russia.
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Stage 2 Practical Hold a series of talks on the subject in question. Stage 2 Practical Hold a series of talks on the subject in question.
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Phase 3 final Analyze the results of operations. Phase 3 final Analyze the results of operations.
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Cлайд 20
With 2 students learning English, which we love. We are interested in learnin... With 2 students learning English, which we love. We are interested in learning something new about English-speaking countries, people living in these countries, their traditions, customs, mores. We know that the British have their national and religious holidays, which are bright and interesting features. More than others drew our attention religious celebration of Christmas, we decided to study and clarify its history, as well as differences in the celebration of his Russia and the UK.
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History of holiday Over two thousand years ago in the small town of Bethlehem... History of holiday Over two thousand years ago in the small town of Bethlehem was an unprecedented event - was born into the world of the Divine Infant Son of God.     Jesus Christ was born miraculously of the Virgin Mary, which we have since called the Mother of God. Arriving on the ground, he was not met honor, nobility and wealth. He has not even had a cradle, like all children, there was no shelter - He was born in the country, in a cave and was laid in a manger, to put animal feed.     The first information about the celebration of Christmas by Christians belong to the 4th century.
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Similarities in the celebration of Christmas in the UK and Russia. Interestin... Similarities in the celebration of Christmas in the UK and Russia. Interestingly, the Catholic and Orthodox Christmas in many respects similar. Both present a festive table, gifts, celebrations, fireworks, and, of course, the Christmas tree. Also in Russia, and the UK is well-known custom of caroling - walking from house to house children and youth with songs praising Christmas and good wishes. In response Kolyado receive gifts. Mean hosts ridicule and threaten them troubles. The process involves a variety of masks, costumed in animal skins, this action is accompanied revelry.
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Customs and traditions of Christmas in the UK The custom of giving gifts on C... Customs and traditions of Christmas in the UK The custom of giving gifts on Christmas finally established in Britain only in Victorian times , when the country was ruled by Queen Victoria in the late 19th century. Add custom gifts in a stocking or sock is also associated with Victorian England. For him, there is an explanation: " Father Christmas " traveled through the air and got into the house through the chimney . Going into one of the houses, he dropped a few gold coins in a sock , which hung over the fireplace to dry . Since then, on Christmas Eve at the fireplace began to hang socks and stockings . Christmas table decoration is a festive cake. According to ancient custom , his stuffed with various objects , predicting the fate for the next year or so , whose piece will this thing. The British believe that the ring is a quick wedding coin - the future wealth and horseshoe - luck in the new year . House to decorate the branches of holly, symbolizing prosperity, and mistletoe - signifying hospitality and fertility. In the UK on Christmas Eve crowds gather in Trafalgar Square , the main tree in England, where numerous local charities for children and adults with the singing of hymns .
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Differences in celebration of Great Britain and Russia Orthodox Christmas is ... Differences in celebration of Great Britain and Russia Orthodox Christmas is celebrated on January 7. Catholics also celebrate this holiday on December 25. The protagonist of the Catholic holiday - Santa Claus with his elves and reindeer friends - must necessarily bring on Christmas Eve gifts.     The Orthodox Christmas is another hero - Santa Claus and elves do not accompany him, and the granddaughter Snegurochka. But he also gives gifts, delighting children and adults. Gifts in Russia, unlike in Britain, decided to put under the tree.
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Cлайд 30
Traditional Christmas dishes in Russia: sochivo,   duck or goose   with apple... Traditional Christmas dishes in Russia: sochivo,   duck or goose   with apples; Poll Results: What do you know Christmas dish? UK: turkey under gooseberry sauce, Christmas pudding;
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Cлайд 32
Output Whatever traditions, dishes, Christmas symbols, it is one of the most ... Output Whatever traditions, dishes, Christmas symbols, it is one of the most favorite holidays people of any nationality and religion.
Cлайд 33

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